Deep Soil Mixing Ltd achieve ISO 9001 and 14001
Ground remediation and soil stabilisation contractor, Deep Soil Mixing Ltd has achieved certification to two key international business standards – ISO 9001 Standard for Quality Management & ISO 14001 for Environmental Management.
Achieving ISO 9001 & 14001 comes at the end of a fantastic year of exciting contracts for the company from a slope stabilisation project in West Yorkshire, a mass mixing soil stabilisation project in Carlisle, a mass mixing project in Lewisham and also seeing the opening of the Mersey Gateway Crossing for which Deep Soil Mixing Ltd installed over 1000 soil mixed panels.
This independent assessment demonstrates Deep Soil Mixing Ltd’s commitment to customer service and quality in delivery as well as ensuring environmental management is top of their agenda.
Deep Soil Mixing Ltd’s Safety, Health, Environmental and Quality (SHEQ) Manager Oliver Hopgood says: “Certification has provided us with a robust framework within which we manage our quality and environmental systems. Achieving ISO 9001 certification shows our commitment to quality, customers, and a willingness to work towards improving efficiency.
“It demonstrates the existence of an effective quality management system that satisfies the demands of an independent, external audit.
“The ISO 14001 standard specify the requirements for an environmental management system that is used to enhance our environmental performance. It allows us to recognise and understand our environmental aspects and impacts so that we can manage our environmental responsibilities in an organised way, therefore contributing to environmental sustainability. We care not only about delivering an excellent service but also the impact that we as a company and they as individuals have on the environment. The soil stabilisation and ground remediation solutions of soil mixing that we employ are environmentally friendly and reduce carbon footprint substantially for all the projects we have undertaken.”

He adds: “The ISO accreditation confirms our status as a company capable of internationally recognised standards and we are pleased that our dedication to excellent customer service has been recognised by ISO. Our clients demand an effective Quality Management System, which gives them the confidence that our products and services will be delivered to exacting standards.
This ISO certification also supports Deep Soil Mixing Ltd’s corporate objectives, while reinforcing a culture of excellence. As Deep Soil Mixing Ltd continues to expand, the ISO quality framework will also assure customers that they will continue to receive the highest quality products and consistent service. We are therefore rightfully proud of this award and the work that’s gone in to achieving it. In 2018 Deep Soil Mixing will be working towards ISO 45001 – Occupational health and safety.”