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Construction leaders launch charity to transform cancer support and fundraising
Photo Credit To We Build the Future

Construction leaders launch charity to transform cancer support and fundraising

Construction leaders launch charity to transform cancer support and fundraising

Building industry leaders have come together to launch a new cancer charity aiming to transform cancer advice and support for people working in the Construction and Built Environment sector as well as raising money to help fund research to beat cancer sooner.

Andy von Bradsky, Anthony Burd, Emma Clancy, Paul Everall, Richard Harral and John Tebbit have been working since the end of 2017 to launch We Build the Future.

Working in partnership with Cancer Research UK and the Lighthouse Club, We Build the Future has three specific objectives:

  • To support people who work in the construction and built environment sector who face the challenge of dealing with cancer in their lives
  • To fund research which can help accelerate improvements in the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer
  • To promote health and wellbeing in the construction and built environment sector in order to help reduce the risk of people developing cancer in the first place

Founder and trustee Richard Harral, Technical Director at the Chartered Association of Building Engineers said: “One in Two people will develop cancer at some stage in their lives. We want to ensure that whatever the circumstances – whether it’s dealing with a personal cancer diagnosis or cancer affecting friends or family – the people in our industry get the support and advice they need. With three million people working in our sector if we all give a little we can transform peoples experience and help more people everywhere beat cancer, sooner.”

Caro Evans, Director of Partnerships at Cancer Research UK, said: “Cancer Research UK has been at the heart of the progress that has already seen cancer survival in the UK double in the last 40 years. But one in two people will be diagnosed with cancer which means there’s still so much more we need to do. We’re proud to be working with We Build the Future. Their passion and ambition to support people within their industry when they’re faced with cancer makes it the perfect fit with Cancer Research UK. Together we can reach even more people with information about cancer and raise more money for vital research.”

Trustee Andy Von Bradsky said: “I am delighted to be supporting a charity that addresses the health and wellbeing of our disparate, diverse construction workforce, especially the emphasis on preventative advice and promoting healthy lifestyles.”

Trustee and Head of Built Environment, BSI Standards Ant Burd said: “Like most people my family has been directly affected by cancer and We Build The Future will help to provide additional support, guidance and the research needed to help tackle the disease. If this wasn’t reason enough, We Build The Future will also allow us to better assist and support those often hard to reach people working in our industry today and in the future.”

Trustee and Certsure CEO Emma Clancy said: “Cancer impacts not just the person who is living with the disease but also their family, friends and even their colleagues. Sometimes it is difficult to know what to say, do or where to turn to for advice. Our hope is that We Build the Future will be a one-stop-shop to help those in the construction industry to learn more about cancer and how – by working together – we can fight it.”

Trustee and CEO of LABC Paul Everall said: “When making site visits, building control professionals see many people vulnerable to cancer, and learn of others who have succumbed. We should do all we can to help.”

Trustee John Tebbit said: “Those of us who work in the construction industry know that it can be a difficult industry to engage with but that it is possible if you know the right way. Cancer Research UK has really good advice, help and research work which We Build The Future can better get to the various parts of our industry. In addition, giving a focus for the industry’s fundraising.”

Construction leaders launch charity to transform cancer support and fundraising

How people can help

We Build The Future is asking people in the industry to:

We Build The Future is also very interested in speaking to people from within the construction and Built Environment sector who would be willing to help produce some case studies of their personal experience to exemplify the challenges that dealing with cancer can bring, or who would be happy to act as ambassadors at regional events to help raise the profile of the charity.

Interested? Contact info@webuildthefuture.org for more information.

Post source : We Build the Future

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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