Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR
Photo Credit To Panasonic Corporation

Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR

Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR

Panasonic Corporation has announced that it has developed the world’s first High Dynamic Range (HDR) capable ultra high definition (UHD) virtual reality (VR) eyeglasses which boasts a comfortable fit that makes users feel as if they were wearing eyeglasses.

With anticipation of the forthcoming full-fledged commercial services of the fifth generation (5G) mobile communications system, a number of new services using VR glasses are expected to be offered, including for VR sports viewing and engaging virtual travel experiences.

While conventional VR glasses with high-quality images and high sound quality provide users with highly immersive simulated experiences, these glasses tend to be big in size and require users to strap them to their head with a headband, which could cause wearer discomfort.

Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR

For the new VR glasses, Panasonic has developed a high performance display device in cooperation with Kopin Corporation, which is a leading manufacturer of display devices for VR glasses. In addition, Panasonic’s audio and visual technologies have been incorporated into this new device, including signal processing technologies cultivated through the development of video equipment such as TVs and Blu-ray Disc players, acoustic technologies of Technics audio products, and optical technologies used in LUMIX digital cameras.

These technologies enabled Panasonic to achieve compact and lightweight VR glasses offering high-quality images and optimal sound that deliver realistic sensations drawing the user into the images projected before their eyes, while in the comfort of wearing eyeglasses.

Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR


Main features

  • UHD high-quality images device capable of displaying HDR images
    • Equipped with a micro OLED panel co-developed by Kopin Corporation2 and Panasonic.
    • Achieved natural and smooth images without “Screen door effect”, which is a visual artifact of displays, where the fine lines separating pixels become visible in the displayed image.
  • High-quality sound capable of the reproduction over a wide range of frequencies from ultra-low to high
    • The adoption of Technics’ original dynamic driver using magnetic fluid allows the accurate stroke of the diaphragm and achieves ultra low distortion reproduction.
  • Compact and lightweight body enabling the device to be worn in comfort without the need for a headband
    • The adoption of an optical module newly developed by Kopin Corporation, 3M Company, and Panasonic allows the display of natural and distortion-free images in super single focus. A compact and lightweight design achieved an eyeglass-like shape.

Panasonic UHD Virtual Reality Eyeglasses set to revolutionise VR

Gearing up for the forthcoming full-scale commercial 5G services, Panasonic will continue to further develop the new VR glasses so that they can be used in a variety of applications, thereby creating new customer value.

Panasonic exhibited the VR glasses as a reference product at its booth during CES 2020 in Las Vegas.

Post source : Panasonic Corporation

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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