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Tech startup Shareplant launches construction freelance service
Photo Credit To ANGDAL PR

Tech startup Shareplant launches construction freelance service

Tech startup Shareplant launches construction freelance service

Revolutionary online construction marketplace startup Shareplant has launched an additional web based service in the UK to connect freelance construction staff with customers.

As the latest in a series of innovative new products in the construction industry, the new Shareplant Freelance service allows construction clients to post short term tasks onto the Shareplant Freelance website and freelancers to bid for and deliver the work.

This latest product complements Shareplant’s existing products – Shareplant Rentals and Shareplant Toolbox – which allow construction owners to rent out their equipment when it isn’t being used.

This new way of resourcing construction projects offers the services of highly skilled UK construction professionals to deliver short term tasks for clients – either on-site or remote desk based work.

This provides clients with a new way of finding specialist skills for any type of construction task or support service in any location without the need to recruit permanent staff or employ costly sub-contractors – increasing a client’s ability to offer new services without the large financial investment.

Individuals with sought-after construction skills can bid for tasks on the Shareplant Freelance website and deliver the work directly to the client using the fully integrated payment, escrow, communication and workspace areas on the website. This allows individuals to work flexibly to fit in with their current employment and lifestyle, travel less to work, spend more time at home with their families, earn extra money and take control of their future – be that additional money for luxuries such as holidays or to provide a new way of earning a living.

There is a construction skills shortage in the UK which is set to worsen as a large proportion of the workforce nears retirement age and the number of vacancies in specialist skills rises. Future mega projects such as HS2, Crossrail 2, the nuclear new build programme and major highways schemes will bring these skill shortages into sharp focus, with contractors and clients struggling to resource projects. Apprentice and training programmes will fill some of this demand, but this takes time – typically a 4-5 year lead in – and won’t solve the whole problem.

The UK has one of the most highly qualified construction workforces in the world with high standards of training and globally recognised qualifications. There is an opportunity for these highly qualified people to deliver work for a diverse range of clients by working additional hours to top up their income, save up for that special holiday, pay off some of their mortgage or invest more money into their pensions.

Shareplant Freelance Director, Mark Watters says “the UK is facing a skills shortage in the construction sector and, by using this new freelance platform, we can make more use of our existing workforce by helping them to find freelance work. I’m convinced that the construction industry will realign as it recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic, with more people taking control of their own destiny, earning money to cope with any future economic disruption and working from home to spend less time travelling and more time with their families. Shareplant Freelance is the perfect answer to this changing environment and provides a win-win for everyone.”

Mark also added “The UK has a high number of skilled construction and engineering professionals – many of which travel long distances each week to work throughout the UK, meaning they are away from their family and friends. Shareplant Freelance allows our freelancers to find work anywhere in the UK, develop a diverse customer base and deliver this work from the comfort of their own home.”

Post source : Shareplant

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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