Toyota promotes AI-Driven Road Safety with Grant in San José
Photo Credit To US Ignite

Toyota promotes AI-Driven Road Safety with Grant in San José

Toyota promotes AI-Driven Road Safety with Grant in San José

In a landmark move towards smarter and safer city streets, the City of San José, California, has been awarded a substantial $260,000 grant from the Toyota Mobility Foundation (TMF).

This grant is set to fund a pioneering project that employs advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) and computer vision technologies to enhance traffic safety, particularly for vulnerable road users such as cyclists and pedestrians.

A Leap Towards Safer Streets

San José’s initiative is aimed at harnessing the power of AI to automatically detect road obstructions and hazards. This technology will target issues such as illegal parking in bike lanes and the dumping of large objects, which pose significant risks to motorcyclists, bikers, pedestrians, scooter riders, and individuals using wheelchairs or other assistive mobility devices.

“Applying AI to advance road safety embodies our commitment to creating and ensuring mobility for all, fostering active mobility, and improving safety,” remarked William Chernicoff, TMF’s Senior Manager for Global Research and Americas Projects. He emphasized the importance of trust in infrastructure, which must be safe, secure, reliable, and robust to truly protect road users.

Leveraging AI for Better Service Delivery

San José’s project will focus on evaluating and assessing the use of AI and computer vision to swiftly identify and address obstructions in bike lanes while ensuring public privacy is maintained. The aim is to improve service delivery by reallocating staff resources from identifying problems to solving them, thereby enhancing overall efficiency.

Mayor Matt Mahan expressed his enthusiasm, stating: “Leveraging AI to keep our bike lanes clear not only enhances public safety but also exemplifies San José’s commitment to innovative solutions. We are excited to work with Toyota Mobility Foundation and US Ignite to make our city safer for all road users.”

Support from US Ignite

US Ignite, a non-profit organization dedicated to assisting communities in tackling complex technology innovation challenges, will provide invaluable support to San José’s leaders. They will offer resources, expert guidance, and specific expertise in public safety, transportation, network communications, civic engagement, and AI.

“We completed an intensive assessment round to identify the best-fitting project,” said Nick Maynard, CEO of US Ignite. “Ultimately, the City of San José was selected because its proposed project demonstrated strength in three key areas: magnitude of impact, likelihood of success, and replicability.”

Aligning with Broader City Initiatives

The AI and computer vision project aligns with the San José 2025 Better Bike Plan, which prioritizes safety, mode shift, and equity. It also supports the Vision Zero San José initiative, which aims to eliminate traffic fatalities and severe injuries. The project underscores San José’s commitment to creating a safer, more inclusive urban environment for all residents.

Jennifer Maguire, City Manager, praised the initiative, stating: “I am proud of the City of San José’s Information Technology Department for advancing our Transportation and Aviation Services City Service Area. This grant enables us to continue creating meaningful impact in San José by using AI technology to enhance roadway safety in our communities and all who live in our great city.”

The Bigger Picture

The impact of this project is expected to extend beyond San José. By enhancing the City’s ability to detect and address roadway issues, officials anticipate long-term safety improvements for walkers, cyclists, and other micro-mobility commuters. Moreover, the findings and models developed through this initiative will be shared with partner agencies across the nation, amplifying the project’s benefits.

Nick Maynard, US Ignite’s CEO, highlighted the broader implications, stating: “San José’s pioneering use of AI for road safety aligns perfectly with our mission. Their innovative approach will undoubtedly inspire other cities to adopt similar technologies, driving nationwide improvements in urban mobility and safety.”

A Technological Hub and a Visionary Partner

San José, often referred to as the Capital of Silicon Valley, has evolved into a global innovation hub. With a diverse population nearing one million residents, it stands as Northern California’s largest city and the 13th largest in the United States. The city’s transformation has resulted in one of the highest concentrations of technology companies in the world, making it an ideal location for this cutting-edge initiative.

The Toyota Mobility Foundation, established in August 2014 by the Toyota Motor Corporation (TMC), aims to support the development of a more mobile society where everyone can move freely. TMF leverages Toyota’s expertise and technologies to build strong mobility systems while addressing disparities in mobility. The Foundation partners with universities, governments, non-profits, research institutions, and other organizations, creating programs aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

US Ignite operates like a high-tech start-up, delivering customized solutions through stakeholder engagement, technical expertise, and targeted tools. Their collaboration with San José exemplifies their mission to solve the toughest economic development and technology innovation challenges.

Toyota promotes AI-Driven Road Safety with Grant in San José

Post source : US Ignite

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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