New Deep Tech collaboration to tackle UK Supply Chain Disruptions

New Deep Tech collaboration to tackle UK Supply Chain Disruptions

New Deep Tech collaboration to tackle UK Supply Chain Disruptions

In a significant move to address the ever-evolving challenges in UK supply chains, Digital Catapult has announced a new phase in its Made Smarter Innovation | Digital Supply Chain Hub programme.

Three prominent tech firms, each with a unique focus on cybersecurity, carbon management, and data governance, have been selected to develop cutting-edge solutions aimed at bolstering national supply chains’ resilience. The initiative comes at a critical time when businesses face mounting risks, from cyber-attacks to regulatory hurdles, all while striving to meet sustainability targets.

The programme is set to award up to £150,000 to each company, including Orpheus Cyber and Farm Carbon Toolkit, to tackle specific supply chain vulnerabilities. The collaboration represents a concerted effort to fortify UK industries against the growing threats of cyber-attacks, environmental impact pressures, and regulatory challenges.

Why Resilient Supply Chains Matter Now More Than Ever

With the UK’s industrial landscape facing unprecedented volatility, resilient supply chains have become more than just a buzzword—they are a necessity. The confluence of global disruptions, including Brexit complications, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the ongoing climate crisis, has underscored the fragility of current supply chain networks.

A recent survey highlighted that 74% of UK IT decision-makers experienced attacks or vulnerabilities within their supply chain software last year alone. This statistic alone showcases the critical need for proactive and collaborative approaches to risk management across the industry. Enter the Digital Supply Chain Hub, which aims to connect key players in technology and industry to drive real-world applications of deep tech innovations.

A Strategic Focus on Cybersecurity, Carbon Management, and Data Governance

The programme is built around three core challenges facing supply chains today:

  1. Cybersecurity: The rising tide of cyber threats has left many supply chains exposed to significant risks. Orpheus Cyber, a leader in cyber threat intelligence, has been selected to identify and mitigate these threats. By leveraging their expertise in threat intelligence and AI, they aim to spot potential vulnerabilities across entire supply networks. Orpheus Cyber’s involvement marks a key step forward in helping industries guard against the increasingly sophisticated methods of cyber-attacks that could cripple operations.“As a deep tech company deploying Threat Intelligence and AI to identify and reduce supply chain cyber risk, we already possess an extraordinary range of capabilities. Being part of this programme will enable us to raise the technological bar even higher,” said Oliver Church, Founder & CEO of Orpheus Cyber.
  2. Carbon Management: Sustainability has climbed to the top of the agenda for industries worldwide. Farm Carbon Toolkit, a farmer-led initiative, joins the programme to address carbon sequestration in UK agriculture. By integrating digital tools into farming operations, they seek to reduce carbon emissions while enhancing soil health and productivity. The inclusion of the Digital Supply Chain Hub’s Food Testbed, involving partners like Lincolnshire Field Products, promises a collaborative effort towards creating sustainable agricultural practices and food security.
  3. Data Governance: Effective data governance is becoming increasingly critical as businesses navigate complex regulatory landscapes. The programme’s third challenge focuses on streamlining data flows within supply chains, ensuring that businesses can meet compliance standards without stifling operational efficiency.

A Programme Built on Proven Success

This latest collaboration builds on the success of the Digital Supply Chain Hub’s ongoing efforts. Since its inception, the Hub has already enabled over 40 start-ups and SMEs to secure more than £3 million in funding. It has become a focal point for driving innovation in UK supply chains, facilitating the convergence of digital technologies with traditional industries. The addition of these three companies signals a renewed emphasis on practical solutions that can be scaled across various sectors.

According to Tim Lawrence, Director of the Digital Supply Chain Hub: “Supply chain leaders across the country are facing an array of unprecedented challenges. So, collaboration between industry and technology pioneers is becoming ever more important to strengthening key sectors’ supply chains and achieving environmental gains for businesses of all sizes.”

Building Towards a Stronger, Smarter Future

Looking ahead, the programme will culminate in a showcase event in March 2025, where participants will have the opportunity to present their findings to other industry stakeholders. The event is expected to serve as a springboard for further collaboration, enabling the sharing of knowledge, fostering innovation, and expanding the reach of the programme’s achievements. It’s not just about improving current supply chains but preparing them for the future disruptions that lie ahead.

This forward-looking approach is vital as the UK positions itself at the forefront of digital supply chain innovation. The Made Smarter Innovation | Digital Supply Chain Hub is more than just a research initiative; it is an ecosystem designed to empower businesses, researchers, and technologists to create a more resilient and sustainable industrial landscape. As the UK grapples with its post-Brexit identity and the global shift towards decarbonisation, such initiatives will be instrumental in shaping the country’s economic future.

A Collaborative Ecosystem for Innovation

At the heart of the Hub’s strategy is its collaborative framework. Partnering with industry, government, and academia, Digital Catapult brings together a wealth of expertise to drive solutions that are both innovative and practical. This integrated approach ensures that the solutions developed are closely aligned with industry needs, while also leveraging the latest advancements in digital technology.

Digital Catapult itself is a key player in this space, known for its work in deep tech innovation. By breaking down barriers and de-risking innovation, the organisation plays a pivotal role in turning cutting-edge ideas into real-world applications. As part of the wider Catapult Network, it supports the UK’s ambition to lead in technology-driven economic growth.

Transforming UK Manufacturing and Beyond

The success of this collaboration will not only be measured by immediate outcomes but also by its long-term impact on the UK’s industrial landscape. As companies like Orpheus Cyber and Farm Carbon Toolkit continue to refine their solutions, the broader industry will benefit from enhanced supply chain security, improved sustainability practices, and more efficient data governance. The insights gained from these pilot projects could set new benchmarks for supply chain management globally.

The UK’s manufacturing sector, which has long been the backbone of the economy, stands to gain immensely from these innovations. As the Made Smarter Innovation programme evolves, it could become a blueprint for other sectors looking to navigate the complexities of the modern supply chain.

A New Era for UK Supply Chains

This latest initiative is a testament to the UK’s determination to lead in both technological innovation and industrial sustainability. With the combined expertise of Digital Catapult, its partners, and the newly onboarded tech firms, the future of UK supply chains looks brighter, smarter, and more resilient.

As industries continue to face rapid changes, this collaborative approach could be the key to unlocking long-term growth and stability.

A showcase event in March 2025 will provide the companies with the opportunity to present their findings to other companies enrolled in the Digital Supply Chain Hub programme, facilitating greater networking and collaboration opportunities to improve the UK’s digital supply chains.

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New Deep Tech collaboration to tackle UK Supply Chain Disruptions

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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