Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

In a world where electronic devices are getting smaller, faster, and more complex, the tools engineers use to debug and refine these designs must keep pace.

Keysight Technologies, known for its cutting-edge test and measurement solutions, has just raised the bar with the introduction of the InfiniiVision HD3 Series, a new line of oscilloscopes built to redefine precision and performance in general applications.

This latest innovation features a 14-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC), offering four times the signal resolution and half the noise floor of typical general-purpose oscilloscopes. Designed with a custom application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) and deep memory architecture, the HD3 Series is all about providing engineers with the detailed, accurate measurements needed to catch even the most elusive signal glitches.

Pushing the Boundaries of Oscilloscope Performance

The InfiniiVision HD3 Series isn’t just another oscilloscope—it’s a game changer. As device and component designs continue to evolve, engineers are facing a deluge of increasingly complex signals that demand greater precision.

The HD3 Series answers this call by delivering unparalleled performance through its custom-built architecture.

Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

Built from the Ground Up

Keysight didn’t just tweak existing technology—they started from scratch. The HD3 Series is constructed around a custom ASIC that enables higher sample rates and deeper memory capabilities than its competitors. With its 14-bit ADC, engineers can now enjoy unprecedented vertical resolution, providing a clear view of the smallest signal variations.

Robert Saponas, Vice President and General Manager at Keysight Digital Photonics Center of Excellence, explains: “Recognizing the need of engineers for quick and precise measurements for a variety of applications, we built the InfiniiVision HD3 from the ground up to deliver an exceptionally precise general-use oscilloscope. With a custom ASIC, 14-bit ADC, and half the noise floor, the HD3 Series oscilloscope delivers the precision and accuracy needed to identify the smallest and most infrequent signal glitches during design debugging to accelerate time to market.”

Advanced Capabilities for Modern Challenges

The HD3 Series covers bandwidths from 200 MHz to 1 GHz, catering to a wide array of applications. With its low noise floor of 50 µVRMS, engineers can detect signal anomalies that would otherwise be lost in the noise, making it an invaluable tool for debugging and troubleshooting in fields ranging from communications to automotive electronics.

Key features include:

  • High Vertical Resolution: The 14-bit ADC provides unmatched precision, allowing for a deeper analysis of subtle signal variations.
  • Deep Memory Architecture: This enables the oscilloscope to capture longer time spans at full sample rate, providing richer data for analysis.
  • Custom ASIC Technology: Drives higher performance under typical testing conditions, ensuring that engineers can rely on consistent results.
  • Versatile Interface: A redesigned user interface enhances functionality, offering full ADC resolution on every channel and a range of bandwidth options.

Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

Streamlining the Debugging Process

One of the standout aspects of the HD3 Series is its focus on enhancing the user experience. Engineers today are pressed for time, often needing to juggle multiple projects simultaneously.

The HD3 Series addresses this by incorporating intuitive software tools that help automate some of the more tedious aspects of debugging.

Automation and Instant Upgrades

The HD3 Series comes equipped with automatic fault hunter software that analyses glitches, slow edges, and runts while engineers focus on other tasks. This feature is particularly useful for those working on complex designs where identifying sporadic issues can feel like finding a needle in a haystack.

Additionally, the HD3 Series supports instant software upgrades through licensing, meaning engineers can scale the device’s capabilities as their needs evolve without returning the instrument to the factory. This flexibility not only saves time but also future-proofs the investment, allowing companies to keep up with technological advances without incurring substantial additional costs.

Redefining General-Purpose Oscilloscopes

The HD3 Series is not just a step forward—it’s a leap. By offering the highest vertical resolution, reduced noise, and a host of advanced features, Keysight is setting a new standard for what a general-purpose oscilloscope should be.

Engineers can now detect the smallest signal glitches and rare anomalies, speeding up the debugging process and, ultimately, the time to market.

Keysight introduces HD3 Series Oscilloscope for Precision Engineering and Debugging

Precision for Every Application

The HD3 Series is ideal for a broad range of uses, including:

  • Design Validation: Identifying flaws in prototype designs before they become costly production issues.
  • Component Testing: Evaluating the performance of new components under realistic operating conditions.
  • Signal Integrity Analysis: Ensuring data integrity in high-speed communication systems.

Each of these applications benefits from the HD3’s superior resolution and noise performance, providing engineers with the confidence that they are seeing the true performance of their designs.

Keysight’s Commitment to Innovation

Keysight Technologies continues to be a global leader in test and measurement solutions, and the InfiniiVision HD3 Series is a testament to its commitment to driving innovation in electronic design. By combining a custom ASIC, deep memory architecture, and advanced automation features, Keysight is not just keeping pace with industry needs—it’s setting the pace.

As Robert Saponas puts it: “The HD3 Series oscilloscope delivers the precision and accuracy needed to identify the smallest and most infrequent signal glitches during design debugging to accelerate time to market.” This sentiment reflects Keysight’s broader mission: to empower engineers to push the boundaries of what’s possible, delivering world-changing technologies faster and with greater confidence.

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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