AEM Multi-Source Hazard Detection at Meteorological Technology Expo 2024

AEM Multi-Source Hazard Detection at Meteorological Technology Expo 2024

AEM Multi-Source Hazard Detection at Meteorological Technology Expo 2024

In a world where environmental hazards are on the rise, staying ahead of the curve is critical. AEM, a global leader in environmental insights, has taken a giant leap in the fight against natural disasters with its latest innovation: the Multi-Source Hazard Detection.

This breakthrough technology, unveiled at the prestigious Meteorological Technology World Expo 2024 in Vienna, Austria, promises to redefine how we approach environmental risk management. By integrating it into their AEM Elements™ 360 platform, they’re enabling organisations to respond to environmental threats faster, smarter, and more collaboratively than ever before.

AEM’s new technology brings a whole new level of precision to the detection and mitigation of hazards like wildfires, floods, and lightning strikes. But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. At its core, this innovation represents a move towards “collaborative resilience,” empowering various organisations and regions to work together, pool data, and take decisive actions to counter environmental risks. And it’s here that AEM is breaking new ground.

What is Multi-Source Hazard Detection?

The Multi-Source Hazard Detection capability, as the name suggests, brings together data from a multitude of sources to detect and assess environmental hazards with unprecedented accuracy. By fusing satellite hotspot monitoring, visual AI smoke detection, lightning detection networks, air quality sensors, and fire weather forecasting data, AEM’s technology provides a holistic picture of the threats at hand. This layered approach not only increases the reliability of the data but also reduces false alarms—a common pitfall when relying on just one source of information.

Multi-Source Ignition Detection, the initial application of this technology, is already making waves in wildfire management. By cross-referencing diverse data points in real time, it ensures rapid and accurate confirmation of ignition events, giving first responders critical minutes to react and potentially saving lives and property.

“By reshaping environmental risk management, we’re pushing forward the concept of collaborative resilience,” says Mark Miller, Chief Commercial Officer at AEM. “With this innovation, organisations can share vital information and coordinate responses across traditional boundaries, mitigating the growing impacts of natural hazards.”

A Closer Look at Collaborative Resilience

In an increasingly interconnected world, hazards like wildfires or floods seldom respect geographical borders. The rise of collaborative resilience is a response to this. It involves geographically linked organisations sharing insights, preparing together, and coordinating their responses to natural disasters.

AEM’s Multi-Source Hazard Detection technology sits at the heart of this shift. It allows for data aggregation across different jurisdictions, pooling resources to tackle shared threats. This approach not only strengthens the preparedness of individual entities but also fosters a more unified regional or even national response to disasters.

Additional Innovations Showcased at Meteorological Technology World Expo 2024

AEM isn’t just stopping at hazard detection. At the Expo, the company unveiled several other key innovations that further enhance environmental risk management.

Each of these technologies is designed to work seamlessly within the AEM Elements™ platform, offering users a comprehensive suite of tools to navigate environmental threats.

Wildfire Data-as-a-Service

Wildfires are a growing global concern, and accurate prediction and response are essential in mitigating their impact. AEM’s Wildfire Data-as-a-Service offering takes wildfire forecasting to the next level. By utilising advanced AI and remote sensing technology, this service delivers dynamic, high-resolution wildfire fuel data. Such data enables better fire behaviour modelling, helping agencies to plan and respond to fires with greater precision.

With this tool, users can tap into real-time data that integrates seamlessly with existing fire behaviour prediction systems, ensuring that responders are always working with the most up-to-date and accurate information.

Vflo® Flood Forecast Model

Flooding remains one of the most devastating natural disasters, but AEM’s Vflo® Flood Forecast Model is designed to offer a robust solution. This physics-based hydrologic model simulates both surface and subsurface runoff, delivering high-resolution, real-time flood forecasts.

By providing precise flood risk predictions, this model enhances decision-making during flood events. Municipalities, emergency services, and other stakeholders can make informed preparations and responses, ultimately reducing the damage caused by floods.

F7 Data Logger

When dealing with wildfires in remote areas, having reliable equipment is crucial. AEM’s F7 Data Logger is purpose-built for this challenge. Designed for durability and equipped with low power consumption and solar charging, the F7 can function continuously under extreme conditions.

Satellite communication ensures uninterrupted data flow, making it a reliable companion in remote wildfire risk management operations.


AEM’s Ser[LOG] represents the next generation of meteorological data loggers.

Developed under AEM’s Lambrecht brand, this advanced logger boasts 70% lower power consumption than its predecessor and offers WMO-compliant wind measurement and gust calculation. This makes it an indispensable tool for meteorologists and disaster management agencies aiming to keep an accurate pulse on environmental conditions.

Lightning Detection

Lightning is another unpredictable yet potent natural hazard. AEM has stepped up its lightning detection game with an enhanced lightning sensor and an improved Total Lightning System. The latter is geared towards operators of private lightning networks, ensuring that lightning strikes are detected with over 95% accuracy.

Such precision is critical when it comes to mitigating the risks of lightning-induced fires and ensuring the safety of high-risk areas.

The Future of Environmental Insight

AEM’s suite of innovations, including its Multi-Source Hazard Detection technology, signals a shift towards more integrated and collaborative approaches to environmental risk management. With climate change intensifying the frequency and severity of natural disasters, tools like these are becoming indispensable for governments, businesses, and communities.

The ability to harness data from a multitude of sources and deliver it in a meaningful way is what sets AEM apart. By combining the power of AI, remote sensing, and collaborative data-sharing, they are not only helping organisations react to hazards faster but are also encouraging a future where proactive, coordinated environmental management is the norm.

A Bright Tomorrow for Environmental Risk Management

AEM’s presence at Meteorological Technology World Expo 2024 represents more than just technological innovation—it’s a commitment to helping the world better understand, predict, and respond to environmental risks. By continuing to evolve and adapt their offerings, AEM is setting a new standard for how we approach environmental resilience in the face of climate change.

As natural hazards become more frequent and severe, organisations must be equipped with the tools to work together seamlessly. AEM is leading the charge in making that a reality. Their innovations not only promise to save lives but also to protect livelihoods and infrastructure in an increasingly volatile world.

AEM Multi-Source Hazard Detection at Meteorological Technology Expo 2024

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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