Guyana Construction News from Highways.Today

Guyana’s Construction Boom opens up Opportunities for the Road Ahead

Guyana’s Construction Boom opens up Opportunities for the Road Ahead

Guyana’s Construction Boom opens up Opportunities for the Road Ahead Guyana’s construction industry is on the rise, riding a wave of economic growth that’s reshaping the country’s landscape. From bustling urban centres to remote hinterlands, the sector is booming with investment pouring in, driven by th...
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Smart city to be designed in Guyana by Miami School of Architecture

Smart city to be designed in Guyana by Miami School of Architecture

Smart city to be designed in Guyana by Miami School of Architecture A six-month agreement with the University of Miami challenges experts to create a master plan for a technologically modern area that is a model of sustainability, resilience and health care. The tiny country of Guyana, tucked in the nor...
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