Science News from Highways.Today

Drexel University unveils BioFiber Technology for Self-Healing Structures

Drexel University unveils BioFiber Technology for Self-Healing Structures

Drexel University unveils BioFiber Technology for Self-Healing Structures In hopes of producing concrete structures that can repair their cracks, researchers from Drexel University’s College of Engineering are putting a new twist on an old trick for improving the durability of concrete. Fiber reinforcem...
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New super-cooling Nanofibre Roofing Film could cool Buildings

New super-cooling Nanofibre Roofing Film could cool Buildings

New super-cooling Nanofibre Roofing Film could cool Buildings The summer of 2023 was by far the hottest in history. People were seeking solace in air-conditioned spaces or donning cooling attire. Here’s some food for thought: Can buildings also be outfitted with similar cooling solutions? Led by Profess...
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High-resolution Computer Vision improved by AI

High-resolution Computer Vision improved by AI

High-resolution Computer Vision improved by AI The system could improve image quality in video streaming or help autonomous vehicles identify road hazards in real-time. An autonomous vehicle must rapidly and accurately recognize objects that it encounters, from an idling delivery truck parked at the cor...
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