Bitumen and Asphalt

Bitumen and Asphalt Month
China Bitumen and Road Conference

A big thank you to the China Bitumen & Road Conference for sponsoring Bitumen and Asphalt Month.

July is Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Welcome to Bitumen & Asphalt Month at Highways Today! Throughout July, we are dedicated to celebrating and exploring the vital role of bitumen and asphalt in the construction and infrastructure industry.

This special month-long focus will bring you the latest industry news, technical insights, sustainable practices, project showcases, and much more. Whether you are an industry professional, a researcher, or simply passionate about infrastructure development, join us as we dive into the innovations, challenges, and future trends shaping the world of bitumen and asphalt.

Stay tuned for expert interviews, cutting-edge product features, and valuable resources designed to keep you informed and inspired.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Leading Bitumen and Asphalt Companies

The global bitumen and asphalt industry is driven by several key players who lead in innovation, production, and distribution of these essential materials.

Here, we highlight some of the most influential companies shaping the future of bitumen and asphalt:

Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
  • Royal Dutch Shell PLC: A major player in the energy sector, Shell is renowned for its comprehensive bitumen solutions used in roads, roofing, and various industrial applications.
  • Sinopec: As one of China’s largest petroleum and petrochemical enterprises, Sinopec produces a wide range of bitumen products that are essential for infrastructure projects.
  • CNOOC Limited: This leading Chinese oil and gas producer plays a significant role in the bitumen market, supplying high-quality asphalt materials.
  • China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC): CNPC is a key state-owned enterprise in China, offering a diverse array of bitumen products used in road construction and maintenance.
  • TOTAL S.A: A global energy giant, Total is a major supplier of bitumen, known for its innovative approaches to sustainable and high-performance asphalt solutions.
  • PJSC Rosneft Oil Company: Russia’s largest oil producer, Rosneft, is a significant player in the bitumen industry, providing advanced bitumen products for various infrastructure needs.
  • Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited (HPCL): HPCL is a leading Indian oil and gas company, offering a broad spectrum of bitumen products crucial for the country’s road network development.
  • Indian Oil Corporation Ltd (IOCL): As India’s largest commercial enterprise, IOCL is a dominant force in the bitumen market, supplying high-quality asphalt to numerous infrastructure projects.
  • Petro Tar Co.: This company specializes in the production and export of high-quality bitumen, catering to a global market with its extensive range of products.
  • Kimya Refinery Group: Known for its innovative bitumen products, Kimya Refinery Group is a prominent name in the industry, serving both domestic and international markets.
  • Wellbank Global PTE Ltd: A leading supplier of bitumen and asphalt, Wellbank Global PTE Ltd delivers top-notch materials for road construction and maintenance across various regions.
  • The Bahrain Petroleum Company B.S.C. (BAPCO): BAPCO is a major player in the Middle East, providing high-quality bitumen products for infrastructure projects throughout the region.
  • Muscat International Bitumen LLC: Based in Oman, this company supplies premium bitumen products for regional infrastructure developments.
  • Saudi Bitumen Industries Co. Ltd.: A key supplier in Saudi Arabia, this company produces a wide range of bitumen products essential for the country’s extensive road network.
  • Rhine Middle East LLC: Operating in the Middle East, Rhine Middle East LLC provides top-tier bitumen solutions for various construction projects.
  • Regional Petroleum Products Corporation: A significant player in the bitumen industry, this corporation supplies premium asphalt materials to a broad market.
  • Iran Bitumen Co.: This company is a prominent exporter of bitumen from Iran, providing high-quality products to international markets.
  • Total Oil India Pvt Ltd: A subsidiary of Total S.A, this company offers advanced bitumen solutions tailored for the Indian infrastructure sector.
  • The Bitumen Broker: Specializing in the trading and distribution of bitumen, The Bitumen Broker connects suppliers with global buyers, ensuring a steady supply of quality asphalt materials.

These companies are at the forefront of the bitumen and asphalt industry, driving innovation and ensuring the supply of essential materials for infrastructure projects worldwide.

Trends in the Asphalt and Bitumen Industry

The asphalt and bitumen industry is experiencing significant advancements and shifts, driven by the need for sustainability, technological innovation, and improved performance.

As infrastructure demands grow globally, the industry is responding with cutting-edge solutions that not only enhance the quality and durability of roads but also address environmental concerns. Here, we explore the top trends shaping the future of asphalt and bitumen.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

  • Recycled Materials: Increased use of recycled asphalt pavement (RAP) and reclaimed asphalt shingles (RAS) to reduce waste and lower the carbon footprint of road construction.
  • Warm Mix Asphalt (WMA): Adoption of WMA technologies that reduce production temperatures, resulting in lower energy consumption and emissions.
  • Bio-based Binders: Development of bio-based and renewable binders as alternatives to traditional bitumen, aiming to reduce dependency on fossil fuels.

Technological Advancements

  • Smart Roads: Integration of sensors and IoT technology into asphalt pavements to monitor road conditions, traffic flow, and maintenance needs in real-time.
  • Advanced Machinery: Use of state-of-the-art equipment like automated pavers and rollers for improved efficiency and precision in asphalt laying and compaction.
  • 3D Printing: Exploration of 3D printing technology for creating custom asphalt mixes and designs, enhancing the versatility of road construction.

Performance Enhancement

  • Polymer-Modified Bitumen (PMB): Increasing use of PMB to enhance the durability, flexibility, and weather resistance of asphalt pavements.
  • Nanotechnology: Application of nanomaterials to improve the mechanical properties, longevity, and overall performance of bitumen and asphalt.

Cost Efficiency

  • Optimized Mix Designs: Development of new mix designs that balance cost, performance, and sustainability, helping to reduce project expenses while maintaining quality.
  • Lifecycle Cost Analysis: Emphasis on lifecycle cost analysis to evaluate the long-term economic benefits of different asphalt formulations and construction methods.

Regulatory Changes

  • Stricter Environmental Regulations: Compliance with increasingly stringent environmental regulations driving the adoption of greener technologies and practices in the industry.
  • Standardization and Quality Control: Efforts to standardize materials and processes to ensure consistent quality and performance across different projects and regions.

Global Infrastructure Development

  • Urbanization: Rapid urbanization and the need for modern infrastructure in developing countries are driving demand for advanced asphalt and bitumen solutions.
  • Maintenance and Rehabilitation: Growing focus on the maintenance and rehabilitation of existing road networks to extend their lifespan and improve safety.

Innovative Applications

  • Porous Asphalt: Use of porous asphalt for improved stormwater management and reduced surface runoff in urban areas.
  • Coloured Asphalt: Implementation of coloured asphalt for aesthetic purposes, traffic management, and enhanced visibility in certain areas.

As the asphalt and bitumen industry continues to evolve, these trends highlight the sector’s commitment to advancing technology, sustainability, and efficiency. By staying abreast of these developments, industry professionals can ensure they are well-equipped to meet the demands of modern infrastructure projects and contribute to the creation of safer, more sustainable roads.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Leading Resources for the Asphalt and Bitumen Industry

The asphalt and bitumen industry is rich with resources that provide valuable information, insights, and tools for professionals in the field. Here are the top resources that industry experts and stakeholders can rely on for the latest developments, best practices, and technical guidance:

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Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

1. National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)

NAPA provides extensive resources including research reports, technical publications, webinars, and industry news to support asphalt pavement professionals.

2. Asphalt Institute

The Asphalt Institute offers a wealth of technical manuals, training programs, and research studies focused on improving the quality and performance of asphalt pavements.

3. International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF)

IBEF is dedicated to promoting the use of bitumen emulsions and provides technical documents, conference proceedings, and industry standards.

4. Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB offers a comprehensive collection of research papers, reports, and publications on various aspects of transportation infrastructure, including asphalt and bitumen.

5. European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA)

EAPA provides a range of resources including technical guidelines, position papers, and industry updates relevant to the European asphalt pavement industry.

6. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

The FHWA offers technical publications, research findings, and best practice guides to support the construction and maintenance of asphalt pavements in the United States.

7. Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT)

IAT provides professional development opportunities, technical publications, and a journal focused on advancements in asphalt technology.

8. International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)

ISAP promotes international cooperation and provides access to conference proceedings, research papers, and industry standards.

9. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL)

TRL is a global centre for innovation in transport and mobility, offering research, consultancy, and software solutions to improve transport infrastructure and sustainability.

10. Asphalt UK

Asphalt UK provides comprehensive information on asphalt usage in the UK, including technical guidance, best practices, industry news, and updates on regulations and standards.

11. Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists (AAPT)

AAPT promotes the advancement of asphalt paving technology through technical publications, annual meetings, and industry collaboration.

12. Institute of Highway Engineers (IHE)

IHE offers professional development, technical resources, and certifications for highway engineers, focusing on best practices and innovation in highway construction and maintenance.

13. Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA) |

PPRA provides a comprehensive platform for pavement preservation, recycling, and sustainable practices, offering technical resources, training, and best practice guidelines.

These resources are essential for staying informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the asphalt and bitumen industry. Whether you are a contractor, engineer, researcher, or policymaker, these platforms offer valuable insights and tools to enhance your knowledge and expertise.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Top Global Events for the Asphalt and Bitumen Industry

Attending industry events is crucial for professionals looking to stay up-to-date with the latest trends, technologies, and networking opportunities in the asphalt and bitumen sector.

Here are some of the top global events that industry stakeholders should consider, along with their host countries:

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Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

1. World of Asphalt

Held annually in the United States, World of Asphalt is a premier event featuring exhibits, educational sessions, and networking opportunities for professionals in the asphalt industry. This event is an excellent platform for learning about the latest innovations, equipment, and best practices in asphalt pavement construction and maintenance.

2. Asphalt Institute Annual Meeting

The Asphalt Institute Annual Meeting takes place in the United States and gathers industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the asphalt sector. Attendees can benefit from presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities that address key issues and emerging trends.

3. International Conference on Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)

Organized by the International Society for Asphalt Pavements, this conference is hosted in various international locations. It focuses on cutting-edge research, technological innovations, and global best practices in asphalt paving. The event attracts researchers, engineers, and industry professionals from around the world.

4. Eurobitume Congress

The Eurobitume Congress event is held in various European locations, brings together bitumen industry experts from across Europe to discuss regulatory developments, sustainability, and technological advancements. The Eurobitume Congress is an important gathering for professionals seeking to stay informed about the latest industry trends and standards.

5. International Bitumen Conference (IBEF)

Organized by the International Bitumen Emulsion Federation, this conference is held in various international locations and focuses on the latest developments and applications of bitumen emulsions. It provides a platform for industry professionals to share knowledge, research, and innovative practices.

6. National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA) Annual Meeting

Taking place in the United States, the annual National Asphalt Pavement Association meeting features presentations, workshops, and networking opportunities for professionals in the asphalt pavement industry. NAPA’s event is a valuable resource for staying up-to-date with industry developments and connecting with other professionals.

7. BITUROAD Conference

The BITUROAD Conference is an international event focusing on the latest technologies, innovations, and best practices in the road construction and bitumen industries. This conference is essential for professionals looking to explore new trends and network with experts in the field.

8. Global Asphalt Pavement Alliance (GAPA) Conference

This conference is hosted in various international locations by the Global Asphalt Pavement Alliance and brings together industry professionals to discuss global trends, sustainability, and advancements in asphalt pavement technologies. GAPA’s event provides a global perspective on the challenges and opportunities in the industry.

9. Conference on Asphalt Pavements for Southern Africa (CAPSA)

Held in South Africa, CAPSA focuses on the unique challenges and solutions for asphalt pavements in the Southern African region. The conference features technical sessions and networking opportunities that address regional issues and promote innovative practices.

10. Eurasphalt Congress

Taking place in various European locations, the Eurasphalt Congress brings together asphalt and bitumen professionals from across Europe and beyond to share knowledge, innovations, and best practices. It is a key event for staying updated on European industry standards and technological advancements.

11. China Bitumen and Road Conference

Hosted in China, the China Bitumen and Road Conference focuses on road construction and maintenance, featuring the latest technologies, research, and innovations in the asphalt and bitumen industry. This event is ideal for professionals seeking to learn about new developments and network with international experts.

These events are essential for industry professionals looking to stay current with the latest trends, technologies, and best practices in the asphalt and bitumen sector. Attending these conferences and meetings provides valuable opportunities for learning, networking, and professional growth.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Leading Training, Education, and Certification Providers

The asphalt and bitumen industry benefits from a range of organizations that offer specialized training, education, and certification programs. These programs are designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of industry professionals, ensuring they stay current with best practices, technological advancements, and industry standards. Here are some of the leading providers:

Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

1. National Asphalt Pavement Association (NAPA)

NAPA provides a variety of training programs, webinars, and workshops covering topics such as pavement design, construction, maintenance, and sustainability. They also offer certification programs for professionals in the asphalt industry.

2. Asphalt Institute

The Asphalt Institute offers extensive training and certification programs including courses on mix design, asphalt binders, and pavement preservation. They also provide online courses and webinars for continuous education.

3. Institute of Asphalt Technology (IAT)

IAT offers professional development and certification programs aimed at improving the technical and managerial skills of asphalt professionals. Their courses cover a wide range of topics including materials, design, and construction techniques.

4. Transportation Research Board (TRB)

TRB provides a platform for education and training through its annual meetings, conferences, and workshops. They also publish research papers and reports that serve as educational resources for industry professionals.

5. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)

FHWA offers a variety of training programs and technical assistance through its National Highway Institute (NHI). Their courses cover topics such as pavement design, construction, and maintenance, with a focus on federal standards and regulations.

6. European Asphalt Pavement Association (EAPA)

EAPA provides training and educational resources on European standards and practices in asphalt pavement construction and maintenance. They also offer workshops and seminars on various industry topics.

7. International Society for Asphalt Pavements (ISAP)

ISAP organizes conferences and workshops that provide educational opportunities for professionals in the asphalt industry. Their events focus on the latest research and technological advancements in asphalt pavements.

8. Asphalt Academy (South Africa)

The Asphalt Academy offers training courses and workshops on asphalt technology and pavement engineering. Their programs are designed to meet the needs of professionals in the Southern African region.

9. Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA)

PPRA provides training and certification programs focused on pavement preservation, recycling, and sustainable practices. Their courses are designed to help professionals extend the life of pavement assets.

10. Roads and Transport Technology (RTT) Training Institute

RTT offers specialized training programs for road construction and maintenance, including courses on asphalt technology, pavement design, and quality control.

These organizations provide comprehensive training, education, and certification opportunities that help asphalt and bitumen professionals enhance their skills, stay updated with industry developments, and ensure compliance with global standards

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Resources for Transportation, Storage, and Handling

The efficient transportation, storage, and handling of bitumen are critical aspects of the asphalt industry. Proper equipment, heating methods, and the use of modifiers and additives ensure the quality and performance of bitumen in various applications. Here, we provide a curated list of resources to help industry professionals navigate these essential processes.

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Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Bitumen Tankers and Logistics

  • Van den Bosch Transporten: Specializes in the transport of liquid bulk products, including bitumen, with a focus on safety and efficiency.
  • TIP Trailer Services: Offers a range of tanker leasing and rental solutions for the bitumen industry, ensuring flexible and reliable transport options.
  • Tiger: Provides comprehensive logistics solutions for the transportation of bitumen, ensuring timely and safe delivery.

Terminals and Storage Solutions

  • Vopak: A global leader in independent tank storage, providing comprehensive terminal and storage solutions for bitumen and other bulk liquids.
  • Transfigura – Puma: Specializes in the storage and distribution of bitumen, with a strong network of terminals and logistics services.
  • Bitutainer co – TEC Containers: Provides specialized bitumen containers for safe and efficient storage and transport of bitumen products.
  • Total Energies: Provides comprehensive solutions for bitumen production, storage, and transportation, with a focus on sustainability and innovation.
  • Orlen – Unipetrol: Operates in Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, and Czech Republic, providing extensive services for bitumen storage and transportation.
  • Guven Turkey: Specializes in bitumen storage and logistics in Turkey, offering reliable and efficient services for the industry.

Handling Equipment

  • Verder Liquids: Provides a wide range of pumps and handling equipment specifically designed for the safe and efficient handling of bitumen.
  • ITT Goulds Pumps: Known for their robust and reliable pumping solutions, ideal for bitumen handling in various industrial applications.

Heating Systems

  • ThermoTech Solutions: Specializes in energy-efficient heating systems for bitumen storage and transport, ensuring optimal temperature maintenance.
  • Chromalox: Offers advanced heating solutions tailored for the bitumen industry, focusing on energy efficiency and safety.

Modifiers and Additives

  • Ingevity: Produces a range of additives and modifiers that enhance the performance characteristics of bitumen, improving durability and sustainability.
  • Kraton Polymers: A leading provider of bitumen modifiers, offering solutions that enhance the elasticity and resilience of asphalt mixtures.
  • Interchimica: Specializes in innovative additives and modifiers that improve the quality and performance of bitumen for various applications.
  • Trinidad Lake Asphalt – Germany Agency: Provides high-quality natural asphalt and additives, enhancing the properties of bitumen for sustainable and durable applications.
  • BASF: Offers a wide range of chemical additives and modifiers that enhance the performance and longevity of bitumen in road construction.

Safety Equipment

  • DuPont Personal Protection: Supplies high-quality safety gear and protective clothing for workers handling bitumen, ensuring safety and compliance with industry standards.
  • Honeywell Safety Products: Offers a comprehensive range of safety equipment, including protective gear and monitoring systems for bitumen handling environments.

By understanding and implementing the best practices and technologies in the transportation, storage, and handling of bitumen, industry professionals can significantly enhance the efficiency and quality of their operations. The resources provided in this section offer in-depth knowledge and practical advice on every aspect of bitumen management, from terminal operations to the use of performance-enhancing additives. Stay informed and equipped with the latest advancements to ensure your bitumen projects meet the highest standards of safety, sustainability, and performance.

Bitumen and Asphalt Month

Mastering Bitumen Course

“Mastering Bitumen for Better Roads and Innovative Applications” is a comprehensive course offered by École des Ponts ParisTech. Over four weeks, you will have the unique opportunity to learn from some of the world’s leading experts in bitumen. This course aims to build a robust understanding of the current realities and future perspectives of bitumen, providing you with the technical knowledge and insights necessary for effective and innovative applications in road works. As a European leader in bitumen markets, Total brings their extensive experience and commitment to sustainability and durability to this course, ensuring you gain valuable expertise in using bitumen efficiently and effectively.

École des Ponts, France’s oldest engineering school, continues to meet modern challenges by training engineers in crucial areas such as transport, housing, urban services, energy, and sustainable development. In this course, you will delve into the bitumen market, its manufacturing, transportation, and various applications, as well as explore its constitution, structure, and characterization. You will also learn about modifications and specific applications of bitumen, health and safety concerns, and recent research and innovations. With contributions from nineteen world-renowned experts, this course offers a comprehensive and diverse perspective on bitumen, integrating insights from research, industry, and end users. Join us to enhance your understanding and application of bitumen in creating better roads and innovative solutions.

Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications

Mastering bitumen for better roads and innovative applications

École des Ponts ParisTech

During the four coming weeks, best experts in bitumen will bring you their knowledge and experience to build a strong understanding of today’s realities and new perspectives on the future of bitumen.

Total is the European leader on bitumen markets. Innovation has always been the key to sustainability and durability in the products they develop. Their main objective here is to share technical knowledge and experience to insure bitumen are being used in the most effective and efficient ways for their different applications in road works.

Ecole des Ponts, France oldest engineering school, remains very much in the present, as it has always been, in training engineers in order to meet the needs of our society and citizens in key areas such as transport housing and urban services, but also in fields like energy, environment, climate sciences, land-use planning and sustainable development.

The course will teach you:

  • Bitumen market, generalities, the manufacture of bitumen, transport, uses of bitumen, main developments and alternatives.
  • Constitution, structure and characterization of bitumen – specifications – rheology.
  • Modifications of bitumen and applications (road and roofing).
  • Health, Safety, Environment & Quality concerns regarding bitumen, and examples of research & innovation actions.

Nineteen world recognized experts on bitumen are contributing to this online course.

The idea is to provide the broadest prism on this topic area with speakers coming from research, industry and end users.

Enrol Today
Bitumen and Asphalt Month

During Bitumen & Asphalt Month at Highways.Today we aim to deliver a wealth of information and resources to provide you with valuable insights into this critical industry.

From exploring the latest trends and innovations to understanding the key players and educational opportunities, our goal is to equip you with the knowledge necessary to navigate and excel in the world of bitumen and asphalt. We encourage you to continue leveraging these resources and stay connected with the industry through the events, training, and expert insights highlighted on this page.

Together, let’s pave the way for a more sustainable and advanced future in infrastructure. Thank you for joining us on this journey, and we look forward to continuing to support your professional growth and development in the bitumen and asphalt sector.

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