San Francisco Airport outlines 4 month plan to rehabilitate runway 28L
Repaving of runway will involve nine weekend closures from March to June 2017
The San Francisco International Airport (SFO) today announced plans to repave Runway 28L, one of two runways used primarily for arriving flights. The project will also install new long-lasting LED centreline lights and ground markings.
Alongside this project, the airport will construct Taxiway F2 and make enhancements to Taxiway S, which will improve operational efficiency of Runway 28L.
“This project will ensure our runways continue to safely serve air traffic at SFO, while providing improved efficiency and longevity,” said Airport Director Ivar C. Satero. “Working collaboratively with airlines and the FAA, we have scheduled this project to minimize the impact on our airport guests.”

Runway repaving is necessary every 8-12 years, based on flight activity. Runway 28L was last repaved in 2008. This project will include the following:
- Fresh new asphalt pavement surface for the second-longest runway at SFO, equivalent to paving four lanes of an interstate highway for a distance of over 10 miles
- Upgraded runway centreline lights featuring long-lasting, energy-saving light-emitting diode (LED) fixtures
- A new secondary taxiway near the end of Runway 28L to improve operational efficiency
- Enhancements to an existing taxiway to improve the departure capacity of the airport
While much of the work will occur during overnight hours, a series of nine (9) weekend closures of Runway 28L will be required to complete the work.
The schedule of runway closures will be as follows:
- Friday, March 31st at 6:00pm PST through Monday, April 3rd at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, April 7th at 6:00pm PST through Monday, April 10th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, April 21st at 6:00pm PST through Monday, April 24th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, April 28th at 6:00pm PST through Sunday, April 30th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, May 5th at 6:00pm PST through Sunday, May 7th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, May 12th at 6:00pm PST through Monday, May 15th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, May 19th at 6:00pm PST through Monday, May 22nd at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, June 2nd at 6:00pm PST through Monday, June 5th at 12:00noon PST
- Friday, June 9th at 6:00pm PST through Monday, June 12th at 12:00noon PST
All dates are weather-dependent and subject to change.
This project will require runway and taxiway closures which will affect normal operations and some delays may occur during weekend closures.
The Airport has worked with airlines and the FAA to develop a schedule that will minimize delays by maximizing construction productivity with closure periods that are least impactful to operations.