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Bergkamp’s new truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver meets stringent emissions regulations
Photo Credit To Bergkamp

Bergkamp’s new truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver meets stringent emissions regulations

Bergkamp’s new truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver meets stringent emissions regulations

Bergkamp Inc., based in Salina, Kansas has unveiled their new M310CS truck-mounted slurry seal and micro surfacing paver. Receiving power from a Tier 4 truck engine fulfils stringent emissions regulations.

With PTO-driven hydraulic pumps, the M310CS has eliminated the need for a side engine, along with its associated emissions, noise and vibration, while delivering power and performance equal to the side engine package that is standard on the M310 Paver.

The M310CS is now one of the most productive pavers in the industry, using the EMCAD (Electronic Mix Control and Diagnostic) System, which is designed to manage power inputs and electronically control material outputs to maintain the desired mix design.

Tier 4 Engine and PTO-driven Gear Pumps Eliminate Need for Side Engine

The field-proven EMCAD System displays current and average material ratios, total material used and material application rates, allowing operators to easily calibrate the machine, control production rates and simplify maintenance. EMCAD can produce on-demand reports to track production for individual sections of the job, or the entire job, via an onboard printer. Operators can evaluate these printouts and make the necessary adjustments to more efficiently run the machine and calculate the bottom line.

Bergkamp M310CS
Bergkamp M310CS

The M310CS utilizes direct-drive hydraulics that are controlled by the EMCAD System. The system monitors and adjusts material ratios automatically according to the set points of the ingredients, production control setting and instantaneous feedback from the delivery system sensors to provide consistent mix. Aggregate, asphalt emulsion, water, additive and fines are proportionally delivered and metered according to the set points, as per mix design. In addition, it electronically self-diagnoses control system and displays a simple error code, reducing troubleshooting and repair time.

Calibration is simplified, so fewer steps are required and manual calculations are eliminated. Even less experienced operators can quickly make adjustments during production without compromising the accuracy of the mix.

The M310CS carries 10 yd3 (9.1 m3) of aggregate, 630 gallons (2,385 liters) of both asphalt emulsion and water and 80 gallons (303 liters) of additive. It is based on the proven design that has earned Bergkamp’s equipment widespread respect from its customers. As part of its many ergonomic features, the operator interface console has easy-to-use joystick controls and slides to either side to provide the operator with the best available view. The pugmill safely slides out for easier cleaning; the bottom bowl stays in the paver, while the excess material falls out of the bottom for a faster cleaning job. The low position of the fines feeder makes it easily accessible for loading. All liquid tanks are removable for maintenance.

Aggregate is delivered to the pugmill by a 24-inch-wide belt-over-chain conveyor, which eliminates slippage, while the steep hopper walls minimize bridging problems. A positive displacement pump, three-way valve and inline strainer allow trouble-free loading of asphalt emulsion onto the truck, so new material can be loaded at full rate without affecting the production settings.

Bergkamp Inc. has been manufacturing pavement maintenance equipment since 1980 and offers a full line of truck-mounted, trailer-mounted and continuous slurry seal and micro surfacing pavers and equipment, as well as spray injection and all-in-one pothole patching equipment.

Post source : Bergkamp

About The Author

Anthony brings a wealth of global experience to his role as Managing Editor of Highways.Today. With an extensive career spanning several decades in the construction industry, Anthony has worked on diverse projects across continents, gaining valuable insights and expertise in highway construction, infrastructure development, and innovative engineering solutions. His international experience equips him with a unique perspective on the challenges and opportunities within the highways industry.

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