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Ethiopia releases procurement notice for expressway consultancy development support
Photo Credit To Canned Muffins

Ethiopia releases procurement notice for expressway consultancy development support

Ethiopia releases procurement notice for expressway consultancy development support

The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia has applied for financing in the amount of US$355million equivalent from the World Bank towards the cost of the Ethiopia Expressway Development Support Project (Project ID # P148850) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds to payments for goods, works, related services and consultancy services to be procured under this project.

The project includes the following components and sub-components:

Project Component 1: Construction of High Capacity Highway-including:

  1. Construction of  the Zeway to Arsi Negele section of the new Modjo – Hawassa Expressway, including support for livelihood restoration.
  2. Monitoring and supervision of civil works.
  3. Supporting prioritized road safety improvement works at potential accident sites on the trunk road network and piloting the implementation of corridor based Road Safety actions along specific roads.
  4. Deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) for traffic management for expressways.

Project Component 2: Institutional Development and Regulatory Framework

  1. Strengthening the Ethiopian Roads Authority’s capacity for the development of expressways and high capacity highways through:
    1. Advisory services, training, the preparation of a strategic master plan, and legal and regulatory framework for expressway and high capacity highway development and management, including the introduction of ITS for planning and road asset management.
    2. The development of a national and sub-national ITS conceptual framework  (ITS architecture), including ITS strategic plan preparation and the preparation of designs for ITS systems for development and management of expressways and high capacity highways.
  2. Establishing functional units within the Ethiopia Toll Roads Enterprise for expressway and high capacity highway management.
  3. Undertaking studies and making recommendations on how to monitor and strengthen governance and transparency in procurement and contract management.
  4. Preparing follow-on operations, including the preparation of feasibility studies, ESIAs and concept designs for potential expressways and high capacity highways.

Project Component 3: Road Safety and Institutional Development Support to the Transport Sector, including:

  1. Supporting the implementation of Road Safety.
  2. Strengthening the policy, planning and monitoring functions of the Ministry of Transport.

The Ethiopian Roads Authority will implement Components 1 and 2 and the Ministry of Transport will implement activities under Component 3 of the project.

Procurement of contracts financed by the World Bank will be conducted through the procedures as specified in the World Bank’s Guidelines: Procurement under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits, (January, 2011) revised July2014. The project is open to all eligible bidders as defined in the guidelines.

Consulting services will be selected in accordance with the World Bank’s Guidelines: Selection and Employment of Consultants under IBRD Loans and IDA Credits & Grants by World Bank Borrowers, January 2011 revised July2014. These guidelines are available on www.worldbank.org/procure.

Specific Procurement Notices for contracts to be bid under the World Bank’s International Competitive Bidding (ICB) procedures and for contracts for consultancy services will be announced, as they become available.

Interested eligible bidders who wish to be included on the mailing list to receive invitations to bid under ICB procedures, and interested consultants who wish to receive a copy of advertisement requesting Expressions of Interest for consultancy contracts, or those requiring additional information, should contact the address below.

Tirsit Tamiru, Engineering Procurement Directorate Director
Ethiopian Roads Authority, 2nd floor, Room No. 207, P. O.  Box 1770, Ras Abebe, Aregay Street, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Tel: 251-1-551 50 02 / Fax: 251-1- 554-44-34
E-mail: tirsittamiru@gmail.com / epdteam3@gmail.com

Post source : ANGDavis Associates

About The Author

Neil Davis is the Technical Director of Highways.Today, and the MD of ANGDavis Associates. A Civil Engineering Consultancy with over 75 years of real international contracting and consultancy experience.

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