Awards and honours at the International Slurry Surfacing Association Convention
The 57th Annual Convention of the International Slurry Surfacing Association was held in February 18-21, 2019, in Cancun, Mexico.
Founded in 1963, the International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA) is a non-profit association dedicated to the interests, education and success of slurry and micro surfacing, chip sealing and crack treatment professionals and corporations around the world.
The ISSA is a founding member of the Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance along with the Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association and the Asphalt Recycling & Reclaiming Association. PPRA is a partnership of leading industry associations (AEMA, ARRA, ISSA) to advance sustainable, eco efficient, and innovative pavement applications.

Excellence in Pavement Preservation Award
Established in 2015 and first awarded in 2016, the ISSA Award for Excellence in Pavement Preservation was established to recognize and honour public officials, engineering firms or agencies that have made outstanding contributions to the Pavement Preservation industry.
The award is presented to an Owner/Agency or Engineering firm that has been a champion in the promotion, use and success of pavement preservation applications represented by ISSA (slurry surfacing, micro surfacing, chip seal, cape seal and crack treatment).
Rankin County Road Department, within just a two-year period, went from using hot mix and some chip seal to using almost every tool in the pavement preservation toolbox, greatly enhancing their ability to keep their good roads good. They have also served a resource to other Mississippi counties, enabling even more roads to be properly maintained.
In 2018, they treated 100 miles including 55 miles of stand-alone chip seal, 31 miles of stand-alone micro surfacing, 6 miles of cape seal combining rejuvenating scrub seal and micro surfacing, 6 miles of cape seal combining chip seal and micro surfacing, and 2 miles of cape seal combining rejuvenating scrub seal and highly modified micro surfacing.
This year’s award-winning project was a double winner at the 2019 Pavement Preservation & Recycling Alliance (PPRA) Annual Meeting, also receiving the 2019 Asphalt Emulsion Manufacturers Association (AEMA) Past Presidents’ Award for Emulsion Excellence.

ISSA Honorary Member
From time to time, the ISSA Board of Directors confers Honorary Membership upon individuals or firms. One new ISSA member, Don Kaiden, was recognized as an Honorary Member at this year’s Annual Convention.
Don Kaiden, formerly with Ballou Construction, was recognized for his long-time service to the association, including as ISSA President in 2007, and to the pavement preservation industry.
Kaiden was noted as having stepped in to help ISSA at a time of financial crisis by keeping a watchful eye on spending and communicating openly with the Board about better controlling the finances.
Kaiden was nominated for this honour by ISSA Past President W. Pierre Peltier, Strawser Construction Inc./Terry Asphalt Materials Inc.

President’s Award for Excellence
The ISSA President’s Award was established to recognize those contracting achievements that best exemplify the highest quality of workmanship and materials, and conformance to best practices as defined by the International Slurry Surfacing Association.
The 2017-2018 pavement preservation work completed by VSS International, Inc. comprised three projects, completed in three different mobilizations, completing more than 2 million square yards of micro surfacing and more than 500,000 square yards of chip seal in the course of 97 working days. The work was completed on time, within the owner’s budget, with no accidents, injuries, or safety issues.
According to Town of Apple Valley Project Manager Rich Berger, “VSSI’s staff worked diligently with Town staff to ensure minimal disruptions to residents and continued access to businesses. The quality of their work transformed residential roads that were in disrepair and, more importantly, extend their useful life saving tax payer dollars.”

ISSA 2019-2020 Board of Directors Election
ISSA elected a new President, Doug Hogue, who is Vice President/GM at VSS Macropaver. Larry Tomkins, Vice President – Sales and Marketing, Southeast Region at Ergon Asphalt & Emulsions, Inc., was elected as the new Vice President, and Chuck Ingram, Slurry Pavers Inc. was elected as Secretary, and finally Eric Reimschiissel, American Pavement Preservation, was re-elected as Treasurer. Completing the officers is Rex Eberly, Bergkamp Inc., who moves to the immediate Past President role.
The 2019-2020 Board will include re-elected directors Fabio Mendez, MPI Ltda.; Dan Patenaude, indus; Brad Pearce, Viking Construction; Howie Snyder, Vance Brothers, Inc.; Dave Welborn, Ingevity; and new directors Tim Harrawood, Vance Brothers, Inc.; and Jason Lampley, Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. Bob Jerman, Ingevity, continues his appointment as ISSA’s technical director. Steve Olson, formerly of California Pavement Maintenance Company, Inc., retired from the Board and Carter Dabney completed his service as Past President.