Finance News from Highways.Today

EIB funding €115 million for electric buses in Rotterdam and the Hague

EIB funding €115 million for electric buses in Rotterdam and the Hague

EIB funding €115 million for electric buses in Rotterdam and the Hague The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed a loan agreement worth €115 million with public transport provider RET of Rotterdam and the Metropole-region Rotterdam-The Hague (MRDH). RET will use the financing to acquire new electric...
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EIB investing €151 million for better and safer road networks in Lebanon

EIB investing €151 million for better and safer road networks in Lebanon

EIB investing €151 million for better and safer road networks in Lebanon The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Council for Development and Reconstruction (CDR) signed a financing agreement of €151 million for the rehabilitation and safety improvements of 900 km of existing primary, secondary and te...
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ADB President pledges $12 Billion for new flagship initiatives in India

ADB President pledges $12 Billion for new flagship initiatives in India

ADB President pledges $12 Billion for new flagship initiatives in India Asian Development Bank (ADB) President Mr. Takehiko Nakao met with India’s Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi for the third time since Mr. Modi became Prime Minister and pledged to support the government’s new flagship initiatives led...
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India signs $350m ADB loan for road improvements in Chhattisgarh

India signs $350m ADB loan for road improvements in Chhattisgarh

India signs $350m ADB loan for road improvements in Chhattisgarh The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of India on Tuesday signed a $350 million loan to rehabilitate and upgrade about 850 kilometers (km) of state highways and major district roads in Chhattisgarh, which will improve transpo...
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AfDB signs $28.8m grant with Somalia for road and water projects

AfDB signs $28.8m grant with Somalia for road and water projects

AfDB signs $28.8m grant with Somalia for road and water projects The African Development Bank Group on 27 August 2019 signed two grants for $28.8 million for road and water supply projects to improve livelihoods in Somalia and boost resilience. The grants, approved by the Bank’s Board on 19 July 2019, c...
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ADB supports $150m infrastructure development in 2 Growing Bangladesh cities

ADB supports $150m infrastructure development in 2 Growing Bangladesh cities

ADB supports $150m infrastructure development in 2 Growing Bangladesh cities The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved loans totaling $150 million to finance crucial infrastructure such as roads and drains and build capacity in two densely populated and fast-growing city regions of Bangladesh, Dhaka...
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Ferrovial to build and operate $910m extension to North Tarrant Express in Texas

Ferrovial to build and operate $910m extension to North Tarrant Express in Texas

Ferrovial to build and operate $910m extension to North Tarrant Express in Texas Ferrovial, through a consortium led by its toll road subsidiary Cintra Infraestructuras, is to build and operate a new extension (segment 3C) to the North Tarrant Express in Texas, worth USD 910 million, equivalent to €813...
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AfDB and Ethiopia sign $98m grant for first phase of Ethiopia-Djibouti transport corridor

AfDB and Ethiopia sign $98m grant for first phase of Ethiopia-Djibouti transport corridor

AfDB and Ethiopia sign $98m grant for first phase of Ethiopia-Djibouti transport corridor The government of Ethiopia and the African Development Bank Group (AfDB) have signed a $98 million grant agreement from the African Development Fund (ADF) to help finance phase one of the Ethiopia-Djibouti Road Tra...
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World Bank supports Rajasthan state highway network with $250m

World Bank supports Rajasthan state highway network with $250m

World Bank supports Rajasthan state highway network with $250m The Government of India, Government of Rajasthan and the World Bank today signed a US$250 million loan agreement for the Rajasthan State Highways Development Program II Project to build the state’s capacity to better manage its highway...
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ADF supports Eastern Corridor Development Programme in Ghana with $81.7m loan

ADF supports Eastern Corridor Development Programme in Ghana with $81.7m loan

ADF supports Eastern Corridor Development Programme in Ghana with $81.7m loan The African Development Fund (ADF) has approved an $81.67 million loan to co-finance sections of the 695-km Eastern Corridor Development Road Programme in Ghana, linking the capital, Accra with the northern hinterland and acro...
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ADB supports Bus Rapid Transit System in Karachi to improve public transport

ADB supports Bus Rapid Transit System in Karachi to improve public transport

ADB supports Bus Rapid Transit System in Karachi to improve public transport The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $235 million loan to help develop a bus rapid transit (BRT) system with innovative energy and climate resilience features that will enhance access to quality public transport for...
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KfW IPEX-Bank finances €50 million expansion of Norwegian railway industry

KfW IPEX-Bank finances €50 million expansion of Norwegian railway industry

KfW IPEX-Bank finances €50 million expansion of Norwegian railway industry KfW IPEX-Bank is providing the Norwegian Bane NOR Eiendom AS (BNE) with funds equivalent to around €50 million (NOK 500 million) to finance the expansion of the Norwegian railway related properties. The loan will be disbursed in...
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ADB funded roads in  Fiji helping to revive their rural economy

ADB funded roads in Fiji helping to revive their rural economy

ADB funded roads in  Fiji helping to revive their rural economy The Fiji road network is being repaired and upgraded to improve mobility, safety, and climate change resilience. ADB is helping to finance work that is boosting trade, tourism, and education. Apisai Ketenilagi of the Fiji Road Authority sai...
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ADB $350m loan to upgrade Chhattisgarh state and district roads in India

ADB $350m loan to upgrade Chhattisgarh state and district roads in India

ADB $350m loan to upgrade Chhattisgarh state and district roads in India The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved a $350 million loan to rehabilitate and upgrade state highways and major district roads in Chhattisgarh, which will improve connectivity and access to basic services and livelihood oppo...
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