UK gives truck platooning trials the green light
The UK’s first Heavy Goods Vehicle (HGV) ‘platooning’ trial, jointly funded by Highways England and the Department for Transport, has been approved.
Overseen by Highways England, TRL (the UK’s Transport Research Laboratory) will carry out the trials, which will see how lorries can accelerate, brake and steer in sync through wireless technology.

Jim O’Sullivan, Highways England’s Chief Executive, welcomed the announcement, and stressed that safety will be an integral part of the trials: “We are pleased to be supporting the government’s ambition for the UK to be a global leader for innovation. The trial has the potential to demonstrate how greater automation of vehicles – in this instance, HGVs – can deliver improvements in safety, better journeys for road users and reduction in vehicle emissions. Investing in this research shows we care about those using our roads, the economy and the environment, and safety will be integral as we take forward this work with TRL.”